Category: Vue.js

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Vue.js is a JavaScript framework that is executed on the client side. It is used especially for the realization of Single-Page-Applications (SPA).

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How to build Vue.js apps without Node, Webpack, npm, build tools or CLI

I love Vue.js and for larger applications the development with Node.js is quite feasible. However, if you want to build a “normal” website it’s often […]
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How to integrate Google Analytics into your Vue.js App

Google Analytics is a free tracking tool to analyse your website visitors – this is also possible in Vue.js Apps. Here you can find out […]
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How to integrate Matomo into your Vue.js application

Matomo allows us to perform analysis and tracking under privacy protection. Matomo is also easy to integrate into Vue.js. I will show you how it […]
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Programming a game with Vue.js? – Of course!

Programming multiplayer games is a dream for many! I will show you with a practical example that you can develop a multiplayer game with Vue.js.
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Vue.js Login System with Vuex & Axios

In this article you will learn how to create a complete Vue.js login system with Vue.js, Vuex and Axios.
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Vue i18n: How to translate your Vue.js App with vue-i18n

Multilingual Vue.js Apps? No problem! In this tutorial you’ll learn how to use the Vue i18n library to translate your Vue App.
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Vue.js Fullpage Scroll Component: Dynamic scrolling for your website

In this article, you’ll learn how to code a custom Vue.js Fullpage Scroll component for your Vue.js app and add dynamic scrolling to your website.
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3 brilliant Examples to learn Vue.js

Vue.js is on everyone’s lips right now. Due to the dynamics and flexibility of the JS framework, it is perfect for single page applications, but […]
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