Webevelopment, DevOps & Co. — webdeasy.de

GitHub Container Registry: How to push Docker images to GitHub

The GitHub Container Registry allows you to publish or host private and public Docker images. You can find out everything you need to know in […]
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Rest API Testing: How to test Rest APIs properly!

Rest API testing is one of the most important tasks when developing reliable and secure Rest APIs. Here you will find a complete overview of […]
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Set up the FRITZ!Box VPN: How it works

VPNs are more popular than ever. But did you know that you can also set up a VPN on the FRITZ!Box.
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Set up FRITZ!Box DynDNS: This is how it works

In this tutorial, I will show you how to set up DynDNS in the FRITZ! With dynamic DNS, you can avoid the problem of the […]
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GitHub Actions: Tutorial for beginners – basics & examples

In this tutorial, I would like to introduce you to GitHub Actions and show you how you can use GitHub Actions to create CI/CD pipelines […]
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How to fix: Docker Permission Denied

Every Docker command just returns “Permission Denied”? Don’t panic, this article will show you how to easily fix the Docker Permission Denied error.
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PHP MySQL Database Class

With this PHP MySQL database class you can establish a connection to your MySQL database and execute secure queries within a few seconds.
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Docker Init command: Create Docker projects automatically

Docker Init lets you set up a Docker project in a snap. With just one CLI command, docker init, you can generate everything you need.
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What is CI/CD? Continuous Integration und Continuous Delivery explained

What do the terms CI/CD, CI/CD pipeline, CI/CD tools and DevOps mean? In this article you will get a comprehensive explanation of all the terms, […]
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Docker vs. VM (virtual machines): Understanding the Key Differences

Docker vs. VM (virtual machine): What’s the difference between Docker and a VM? What do they have in common, and when should you use which […]
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30 CSS Background Pattern

With these 30 CSS Background Patterns you are sure to find the perfect background for your app or website.
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20 Best VSCode Extensions to increase your productivity!

VSCode (Visual Studio Code) is a very widely used and free code editor. With countless VSCode extensions you can program in any language and much […]
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Password Manager: Keep your passwords safe (tutorial)

Would you like to use a password manager to keep your passwords safe, simple and digital instead of writing them on a piece of paper? […]
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ChatGPT and AI in software development (best practices)

The importance of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into software development has increased in recent years. ChatGPT serves as a key exemplar of this technology. This […]
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Progressive Web Apps: How to create your own PWA

A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a form of mobile application that features fast load times, offline functionality, and an optimized user experience. In this […]
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2-Year Ezoic Review: My Experience with AI-Optimized Ads and Improved User Engagement

Find out if Ezoic, the full-service platform, which uses artificial intelligence to serve ads and improve user experience, is really as simple and effective as […]
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Set up Security Camera Livestream on Raspberry Pi (with USB webcam)

Security camera livestream with a Raspberry Pi? Of course! With a few tools it’s very easy and works great. Security cameras are often very expensive […]
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Building JavaScript Real Time Charts and Graphs: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Create dynamic and engaging data visualizations with JavaScript Real Time Charts and Graphs. Follow this step-by-step tutorial to learn how to build them from scratch […]
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CI/CD in Plesk: Deploy Node.js, React, Angular, Vue & Co. automatically

With Plesk CI/CD, you can automatically deploy Node.js, React, Angular, Vue and other technologies to the server. In this article, I’ll show you how Plesk […]
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How to build Vue.js apps without Node, Webpack, npm, build tools or CLI

I love Vue.js and for larger applications the development with Node.js is quite feasible. However, if you want to build a “normal” website it’s often […]
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RegEx Validation: Cheatsheet of the most common regular expressions for validation (+ HowTo)

Regular expressions are often used to validate user input. These are repeated when validating the same input. Therefore I have created a list with the […]
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33 beautiful CSS Forms (Designs)

CSS Forms should not only serve their practical purpose, but can also look very nice on the side! A list of very descriptive forms can […]
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Twitch on Samsung TV – Here’s how!

If you want to watch your preferred Twitch streamers on your Samsung TV, this is the suitable guide for you! This manual will demonstrate the […]
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Adding WordPress Admin Bar Item (incl. Icon)

Here you will learn how to add your own Items to the WordPress Admin Bar with just a few lines of code and customize them […]
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