Category: Administration

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The administration of (web) servers is a very complex area, which is very broad. Different operating systems, such as Linux or Windows, and the almost infinite number of different software make administration more difficult, but also much more flexible, so that a server environment can be perfectly prepared for the desired purpose. At the same time, protection against hacker attacks (cybersecurity) must not be neglected.

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GitHub Actions: Tutorial for beginners – basics & examples

In this tutorial, I would like to introduce you to GitHub Actions and show you how you can use GitHub Actions to create CI/CD pipelines […]
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CI/CD in Plesk: Deploy Node.js, React, Angular, Vue & Co. automatically

With Plesk CI/CD, you can automatically deploy Node.js, React, Angular, Vue and other technologies to the server. In this article, I’ll show you how Plesk […]
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How to generate Git SSH Keys (Windows, Mac & Linux)

In this tutorial, you will learn step-by-step how to generate, set up and store a Git SSH key for repository cloning.
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Website security tips: 11 tips to protect your website

Website security: At this very moment, countless websites are the target of hacker attacks. Uninstalled updates and ignorance are often to blame. These 11 website […]
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20 Basic Linux Commands for Beginners (+ Explanations)

New to the Linux world and no idea which commands you need for what? Then you are not alone: All beginnings are difficult, but here […]
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How the Domain Name System (DNS) works – Basics

DNS stands for Domain Name System and is one of the many systems that have been labelled as complicated. The concept is as simple as […]
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Using Bitbucket Repository via SSH in Plesk

You want to use a (private) Bitbucket repository in your Plesk installation? No problem, let me show you how to do that.
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Node.js in Plesk: Installation and hosting of your application

The Node.js application is finally finished! Now it’s time to host the application – i.e. to deploy (publish) it. Plesk is perfect for this. I […]
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Install Nextcloud within Plesk – That’s it!

Nextcloud is a free and free software for storing data. In short: Your own cloud on your personal server. I’ll show you here how to […]
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