Category: PHP

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Hypertext Preprocessor or short PHP is a server-side programming language for dynamic web applications. In this category you will find a lot about it.

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PHP MySQL Database Class

With this PHP MySQL database class you can establish a connection to your MySQL database and execute secure queries within a few seconds.
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20 Best VSCode Extensions to increase your productivity!

VSCode (Visual Studio Code) is a very widely used and free code editor. With countless VSCode extensions you can program in any language and much […]
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RegEx Validation: Cheatsheet of the most common regular expressions for validation (+ HowTo)

Regular expressions are often used to validate user input. These are repeated when validating the same input. Therefore I have created a list with the […]
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Adding WordPress Admin Bar Item (incl. Icon)

Here you will learn how to add your own Items to the WordPress Admin Bar with just a few lines of code and customize them […]
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WordPress: Pass PHP Variables to JavaScript

WordPress provides a simple, secure and fast way to pass arbitrary PHP variables to a JavaScript file.
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Using Ajax in WordPress: The right way

Using Ajax in WordPress makes perfect sense in many places. A better user experience and shorter loading times are often the goal. You can find […]
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JSON in PHP and JavaScript: Read, Get, Send, Convert, etc.

In this tutorial you will learn all the JSON basics – JSON in PHP, JSON in JavaScript and how to exchange/send JSON between JavaScript and […]
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