Category: JavaScript

JavaScript has become one of the most popular and widely used scripting languages in recent years. Through Node.js JavaScript has also found its way into server-side programming and through the countless front-end frameworks such as Vue.js, React.js and AngularJS it is very popular among most web developers!

You can now take your chance and learn more about the exciting scripting language through the numerous articles about JavaScript.

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Rest API Testing: How to test Rest APIs properly!

Rest API testing is one of the most important tasks when developing reliable and secure Rest APIs. Here you will find a complete overview of […]
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20 Best VSCode Extensions to increase your productivity!

VSCode (Visual Studio Code) is a very widely used and free code editor. With countless VSCode extensions you can program in any language and much […]
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Progressive Web Apps: How to create your own PWA

A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a form of mobile application that features fast load times, offline functionality, and an optimized user experience. In this […]
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Building JavaScript Real Time Charts and Graphs: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Create dynamic and engaging data visualizations with JavaScript Real Time Charts and Graphs. Follow this step-by-step tutorial to learn how to build them from scratch […]
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How to build Vue.js apps without Node, Webpack, npm, build tools or CLI

I love Vue.js and for larger applications the development with Node.js is quite feasible. However, if you want to build a “normal” website it’s often […]
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RegEx Validation: Cheatsheet of the most common regular expressions for validation (+ HowTo)

Regular expressions are often used to validate user input. These are repeated when validating the same input. Therefore I have created a list with the […]
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WordPress: Pass PHP Variables to JavaScript

WordPress provides a simple, secure and fast way to pass arbitrary PHP variables to a JavaScript file.
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JavaScript Arrays – JS Array Functions Explained (Cheatsheet)

JavaScript arrays are list-like structures, can store data and are necessary for almost every program. I explain the most important JavaScript array functions here.
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Programming Reading Position Indicator (CSS & JavaScript)

The Reading Position Indicator is a bar on your website that shows how much the visitor has already read of your content – and you […]
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Using Ajax in WordPress: The right way

Using Ajax in WordPress makes perfect sense in many places. A better user experience and shorter loading times are often the goal. You can find […]
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How to integrate Google Analytics into your Vue.js App

Google Analytics is a free tracking tool to analyse your website visitors – this is also possible in Vue.js Apps. Here you can find out […]
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JavaScript Speech Recognition – A Voice controlled ToDo List

With the JavaScript Speech Recoginition API you can implement quite simply ingenious functions that can quickly make native apps look old. This article will show […]
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Double Opt-In in Node.js: Sending User Confirmation Emails

The double opt-in procedure has established itself as the standard for all types of registrations on the Internet in recent years. I will show you […]
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Detect tab changes in the browser: JavaScript Blur & Focus

By detecting the tab change in the browser you can conjure up some cool functions. And you can find out how to do this here!
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How to integrate Matomo into your Vue.js application

Matomo allows us to perform analysis and tracking under privacy protection. Matomo is also easy to integrate into Vue.js. I will show you how it […]
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jQuery to JavaScript Converter (Online tool + instructions)

With my jQuery to JavaScript Converter you can quickly and easily convert from jQuery to vanilla JS.
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Node.js tutorial for beginners | Learn NodeJS

This Node.js tutorial is perfect for beginners who want to learn how to programme with Node.js. You will learn the basics of Node.js, the most […]
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Programming a game with Vue.js? – Of course!

Programming multiplayer games is a dream for many! I will show you with a practical example that you can develop a multiplayer game with Vue.js.
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Vue.js Login System with Vuex & Axios

In this article you will learn how to create a complete Vue.js login system with Vue.js, Vuex and Axios.
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Node.js Login System (with Express, JWT & MySQL)

In this tutorial we will build a Node.js login system with all basic functions. For this we use Express, MySQL and JWT .
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Vue i18n: How to translate your Vue.js App with vue-i18n

Multilingual Vue.js Apps? No problem! In this tutorial you’ll learn how to use the Vue i18n library to translate your Vue App.
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Programming JavaScript Equalizer

Simply as a design element or functional, this equalizer is a real eye-catcher! Here I explain to you how you can program this equalizer yourself […]
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Test AdBlocker (Adblocker Detection Script)

Do you want to test your AdBlocker or check if your website visitors have activated an AdBlocker? Then you’ve come to the right place!
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Program your own WYSIWYG editor – with HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Are you annoyed by missing or unnecessary functions in WYSIWYG editors? No problem! Here I show you how to create your own fully functional WYSIWYG […]
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