Set up FRITZ!Box DynDNS: This is how it works


In this tutorial, I will show you how to set up DynDNS in the FRITZ! With dynamic DNS, you can avoid the problem of the changing public IP address of your FRITZ!Box, e.g. to use a VPN.

What is DynDNS?

DynDNS or DDNS stands for dynamic DNS. It describes a technique that can dynamically update entries in the DNS. Normally, one sets a fixed entry for a domain. For example, the domain has the NS entry With DynDNS, this IP address behind it changes dynamically and adjusts automatically.

What is DNS and how does it work exactly? I have explained this in detail in my article about DNS basics.

This is helpful, for example, if you always want to access the same router, but its IP address changes daily. Manually adjusting the DNS entry would be very cumbersome. And this is exactly where DynDNS comes into play.

What is a VPN?

Currently, you get daily advertisements for countless VPN providers and how important a VPN is. VPN stands for Virtual Private Network and that’s exactly what it is in principle. A virtual private network. You connect virtually to another network (without a real physical connection) and can then access all the network resources available there.

You can think of it as taking your laptop and logging onto a friend’s Wi-Fi. Only from his home. In this case, the friend is the VPN provider.

Of course, a VPN has many more functions and advantages – but this should be enough for a rough understanding.

1. Set up DynDNS for FRITZ!Box

Internet providers no longer assign private IP addresses to private individuals or you have to dig very deep into your pocket. But the IP address of the FRITZ!Box changes daily. So exactly the right application for DynDNS!

You now have the choice to use DynDNS via your own domain or to use the free service of the FRITZ!Box manufacturer AVM: MyFritz.

In this tutorial I show how to use DynDNS with your own domain. If you don’t have your own domain, you can follow this tutorial and set up DynDNS with a free MyFritz account.

Activate DynDNS of your domain

I use a domain from STRATO for this. For other providers, however, this will work similarly.

So go to your domain and look for the item “Dynamic DNS” under “DNS management”. Here you just have to set the option “enabled”.

STRATO Domain Settings: Enable Dynamic DNS
STRATO Domain Settings: Enable Dynamic DNS

After that you need to set a password for Dynamic DNS, which we will need in the next step – so keep it safe.

Note that it can take up to 24 hours until the DNS record is available worldwide!

Adjust DynDNS settings of the FRITZ!Box

Now log in to your FRITZ!Box interface ( and go to Internet > Shares > DynDNS.

There you check the box “Use DynDNS” and fill out all fields. At STRATO the username is the same as the domain name. You should have set the password in the last step.

Activate FRITZ!Box DynDNS
Activate FRITZ!Box DynDNS

If you use other providers, check their documentation to see what the username is.

The DynDNS service should then be activated, easy right? You can now use this to make your home network accessible via a VPN. I have described how this works in great detail in the following article:

Setting up the FRITZ!Box VPN

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