Test AdBlocker (Adblocker Detection Script)

Do you want to test your AdBlocker or check if your website visitors have activated an AdBlocker? Then you’ve come to the right place!
AdBlockers are browser extensions that block banner ads and pop-ups. For visitors, this is very pleasant, but for website operators who want to generate revenue, it is of course very annoying. Many sites therefore block their content for users of AdBlockers often completely. A German example is bild.de.
Test AdBlocker
If you want to know whether your AdBlocker is working, you just have to look into the following window. If there is a big red area with the step “Adblock detected!” your AdBlocker is working. However, if there is a green area with “Adblock disabled”, your ad blocker is not active or does not block ads correctly.
AdBlocker Detection Script (with JavaScript)
How to detect Adblocker? I also provide you with the script to check if a visitor is using an AdBlocker. Whether you then deny the user access completely or simply give him a nice hint is up to you.
The principle is quite simple: it tries to load a standard JavaScript file from Google. If this succeeds, no AdBlocker is active, if it does not succeed, an AdBlocker is active. This works because AdBlockers block the connection to exactly this script.
fetch('https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js').then(() => { document.getElementsByClassName('message')[0].innerHTML = 'Adblock disabled! :)'; document.getElementsByClassName('message')[0].classList.add('no-ab'); }) .catch(() => { document.getElementsByClassName('message')[0].innerHTML = 'Adblock detected!'; document.getElementsByClassName('message')[0].classList.add('ab'); });
When using this script, you should think carefully about whether you want to hide the content directly or just give the user a nice hint. In any case, it makes sense to include instructions or at least a link to temporarily disable the AdBlocker.
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